My father had removed all but his physical presence from the room.
I couldn’t detect even the slightest hovering nearby of his thoughts or
emotions. Maybe he’d retreated all the way back to South Philly where he’d been
the favored son in a prosperous family, strong, handsome, and in control. Or
maybe he’d gone to wherever he went to bargain with his god—they’d always had a
close relationship—what will you take to
spare her?
I became the silent witness, taking in what I could, objecting
only in my mind to the questions that my mother couldn’t answer. Even I don’t always remember the date, I
thought when my mother couldn’t say what year it was. Don’t you see she’s wearing a digital watch? I chided when she was unable to tell the
time on the analogue clock with its moving hands. These are false measures! You didn't give her enough time! You’ve terrified her so that she can’t think! My objections tumbled over one another when she
didn’t get a single question right. But I remained silent and submissive as others took over.